Merilyn’s Declaration

I have been like the caterpillar long enough.

Now I must soar like a butterfly.

A caterpillar cannot fly, but the potential for flight is within it, impossible as that might appear to be. But for it to be able to fly something has to change. First, the little crawling creature must make a cocoon and then allow Nature to work its magic to create something new out of the old.

It is my intent to allow the priestess training to be my cocoon, to nurture and protect me as the old passes away and the new comes into being so that when I soar into the world as a magical being filled with joy, light, love and perfect harmony, all who wish it may take wing with me – and together we will fulfill our most cherished desires and dreams and celebrate the wonder of pure joy, wholeness and love.

During this time I intend to place this process first in my life, allowing Nature’s intelligence to simplify, making it easy to implement the necessary details on all levels of life, mental, spiritual, physical and financial, so that these aspects work in perfect harmony with each other creating a frictionless flow towards the full unfoldment of my butterfly-self, thus enriching all relationships between myself and those with whom I am interacting on all levels of creation.

Signed this 28th day of October, 1995 by Merilyn Helen Judd Massey

This declaration was the intention statement Merilyn created for a nine month process called Awakening The Priestess Within as created by Nicole Christine. Little did any of us know that less than three years later on August 18, 1998 she would become that butterfly as she transitioned from this world to the next. This website tells the story of Merilyn’s courageous heart in choosing a conscious death and her communication from the other side.

This story of Merilyn’s conscious death process fulfills her intent as she beautifully stated… so that when I soar into the world as a magical being filled with joy, light, love and perfect harmony, all who wish it may take wing with me – and together we will fulfill our most cherished desires and dreams and celebrate the wonder of pure joy, wholeness and love.

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